Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hurting her ankle 2 weeks ago led to a trip to the ER showed it was sprained, which resulted in an ace bandage. That did not work the orthopedic doctor Mom in a walking cast in hopes to help her ankle heal.
The staff is trying to keep her down and in a wheel chair but since she can not retain why she is wearing a cast nor why she can not walk it is not easy.
I found a pair of shoes that other than being in black were the ones she wore while a nurse. I ordered them and had them sent to the nursing home. HOWEVER since they are now attempting to keep her from walking; the shoes will be placed in her closet until she heals.
I have her review next is always rough.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Doesn't stop or change

Well somethings don't change. I am not sure if that is good or bad. The paperwork got done, some of it made no sense at all. Some of it is multiples of others stuff, I was told most of it is now going to be repeated every year.
Mother fell and severally sprained her ankle. She was taken to the local ER, it was ace wrapped and she was sent back to the nursing home. Sadly and yet not surprising, she couldn't remember why her ankle hurt, therefore Mom would not use her walker or crutch. Back she went to orthopedic doctor and they put a walking cast on her foot.
I cried.Why? My mother was an OR nurse for years and yet her mind is so far gone she could not remember why she had an ace bandage on her ankle. She does not know why she has a cast on either but at least her ankle will heal.
Then a few days latter I was called because her fragile skin "peeled" and she was bleeding. Her arm was covered with Neosporin and bandaged.
These are events that can't be helped. I am glad she is in a place that can take care of her because I would be lost as to want to do or how to handle these things. This is one of those times that I know in my heart I am taking good care of her by having her in this nursing home.
I do love you Mommy.